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2025 Vestry

 Vestry members serve the church by offering their time and talent for a three-year term, beginning and ending in early February. 
To request a copy of the monthly Vestry Meeting minutes, please email the Parish Administrator.

Current Vestry Members are:  Mike Bagwell, Anne Chamberlain, Elizabeth Cleveland, Anne Fano, 
Cynthia Miller, Doug Palais, Pat Panilaitis, Rob Smith, Alyssa Ward

About Vestry Service

The Vestry of St. Thomas' is chaired by the rector and currently has nine members elected by the congregation. Their role is to oversee the well-being of the parish and is organized to reflect the mission and vision of the church. Each Vestry member has an area of responsibility in the workings of the parish and serves a three-year term. The Vestry is assisted by the treasurer and the staff of the church and their work is governed by the Canons of the Episcopal Church.

To be eligible for vestry selection, individuals shall:

  • Be “confirmed adult communicants in good standing of the Church,” that is:

  1. sixteen years of age or older

  2. confirmed or received in the Episcopal Church, and

  3. “for the previous year… faithful in corporate worship… and in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God.”

  • Subscribe to the declaration and promise statement:  “I do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the Word of God and, to contain all things necessary to salvation; and I do yield my hearty assent and approbation to the doctrines, worship and discipline of The Episcopal Church; and I promise that I will faithfully execute the office of Vestry member of Saint Thomas’ Church, in the City of Richmond, according to my best knowledge and skill.”


The Vestry and Vestry members are responsible for:

  • Working with the rector to implement and envision parish ministries.

  • Supporting the programs of the church, encouraging others to support these programs, and giving generously to their support.

  • Welcoming newcomers to the congregation and extending a hearty welcome to the newly baptized, confirmed, received, or transferred members of the congregation.

  • Assuring that the clergy and staff are properly supported, including salaries.

  • Raising funds, preparing the budget, and managing the monies of the church, including the provision for the   church music and maintenance of the church space. 


Expectations for Vestry members at St. Thomas' include:

  • Serving on a particular standing committee, or otherwise working to administer to a particular area of ministry.

  • Understanding the Vestry stewardship statement and submitting prior to the Annual Meeting a financial pledge to the support of St. Thomas'.

  • Making a commitment to continue to grow spiritually and in the life and leadership of the Church.

  • Locking up the property on Sundays, in rotation.

  • Serving as ‘Vestry person of the day’ on Sundays, in rotation, to assist clergy in the greeting line.

  • Attending monthly Vestry meetings on a regular basis.

  • Attending Vestry orientation and training on a Saturday in February.

  • Attending the annual Vestry Retreat on a weekend during the first quarter of the year.

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