Welcome to St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
3602 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23222

Serving Opportunities at St. Thomas'
Click here to sign up to Serve in Worship
Sign Up Genius is our web-based Serving In Worship Manager. If you already have an account, log in to view and sign up for current Serving in Worship opportunities.
If you don't have an account, click this link to go directly to the Sign Up Genius home page, use the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner to "Login" and Register.
Alternatively, you can visit the Sign Up Genius home page, and use the Search feature and enter office@stthomasrichmond.org to find all opportunities to serve in worship.
You are also welcome to call our Office at 804-321-9548 for help with signing up.
Acolyte- Participate in worship leadership by lighting & extinguishing the candles, carrying the cross or banner & assisting with the offering of bread, wine & money during Holy Eucharist.
Altar Flower Donations - Donate flowers to honor, celebrate or remember a loved one! Flowers are $25/vase & your special words & acknowledgement are notated in the bulletin.
Altar Flower Delivery - Deliver the altar flowers to designated persons in the parish & community after the 10:30 am Sunday service. We will provide a note from the parish along with an address. There are no flowers during Advent or Lent.
Altar Guild - Maintain & prepare the altar, flowers, elements (bread & wine), vessels, linens & sacred space set up.
Choir - Learn & rehearse music to sing at Sunday worship services as well as special occasions.
Coffee Hour - Set up, serve & clean up the weekly coffee hour or support the host by providing goodies to serve.
Eucharistic Minister - Assist in worship by serving communion on Sunday services or special services.
Food Pantry - Assist in the organization & distribution of food through St. Thomas' weekly Thursday Food Pantry. Roles include shoppers & gleaners who procure the food we distribute as well as distribution volunteers.
Hospitality - Assist with brunches, receptions, & dinners by providing food, decorating, set-up & clean-up.
Lay Eucharist Visitor - Take communion from Sunday Eucharist to a home-bound or hospitalized parishioner.
Lotsa Helping Hands - Provides meals & other support to parishioners during times of need.
Men's Corps - Supports ministry at St. Thomas' with fundraising & fellowship.
Micah Initiative - Provide tutoring & support at local schools.
Nursery Volunteer - Provide safe & loving care for the youngest children of our church. Nursery workers (adult) & nursery aides (age 16 & older).
OystoberFest - Volunteer for our biggest annual fundraiser.
Readers - Read the lessons, prayers of the people & the psalm (when it is not sung) during services.
Sunday School Teachers - Teach Sunday School during the regular Sunday School sessions.
Ushers - Distribute bulletins, collect the offering, assist with special seating needs, and extend welcome before & during worship.