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Outreach & Missions

Serve In Outreach

As Christians we are called to "seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourselves. " St. Thomas' lives into this call by reaching out to our neighbors, far and near. 

Outreach Programs
The St. Thomas' Food Pantry distributes food each week on Thursdays from 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Volunteers assist in procurement, organization, hospitality, and distribution. Contact our Food Pantry Director Kristin Cummings at for information.

Mission Quest is a combined Summer mini-mission experience from St. Thomas' Richmond, Church of Our Savior Charlottesville, and Christ Church Richmond. Join us as youth from three different parishes come together to serve, play, and connect every summer! Mission Quest 2024 is already in the planning process, so stay tuned for details. 

CARITAS- For many years, individuals and families who found themselves homeless were housed and fed for one week a year at St. Thomas'. CARITAS now has two shelters especially for this purpose, one in the old Phillip Morris plant at 2220 Stockton Street and another at 1532 High Street. These shelters enable the organization to house and care for many more. In addition, there is The Healing Place where men and women can receive services. Volunteers are needed to cook dinner meals for these residents and provide bag lunches for them. Because our congregation is small, we could join with another church in the area to fill some of these needs. Two shelter monitors are also needed from 4 pm to 12 pm.  For each $ donated to CARITAS, they get $3.60 value. The goal of CARITAS is to move folks from homelessness to a permanent placement of their own. The organization now can receive donations of furniture, bedding, hygiene kits, cleaning supplies, dishes, pots and pans and other household items. They are also willing to pick these items up from your home. The Healing Place offers computer skill training for this needy population. If you would like to continue St. Thomas's efforts to help the homeless and addicted in our area, please check out the CARITAS website and offer to volunteer. 

St. Thomas' Day School is one of our primary outreach ministries.  Serving children ages 2 - 5 through a play curriculum, the Day School is a resource for children and families. For more information, contact Kelly Kane at 804-329-1117, or

Micah is a tutoring and mentoring program aimed at Richmond City elementary school children. Started by Richmond Hill, it is supported by our community volunteers. You can find more on the Micah website to see how you can help or contact Landon Woody at 804-929-7243.

Concerned Northside Congregations partnering with Northside Congregations to offer fellowship, and pastoral care for our neighbors with severe mental and physical disabilities, who reside in group homes on Chamberlayne Avenue: The O’Brien Home, The Humphrey Home, and The Palace. Please contact Margaret Woody at 804-836-6166.

Autastic Avenues is for enriching learning through activities and stimulation for children with Autism. It is Saturday mornings, from 9:00 - Noon. Contact Tracy Scott for information.

In Sharing Space
Autastic Avenues: Supports Parents and Children with Autism. Contact Tracy Scott at .

Brownie Troop 683: For more information, contact troop leaders Kristen Allegood and Lindsey Borgsmiller at


Good Orderly Direction: Local Narcotics Anonymous group that meets weekly in the Parish Hall on Friday evenings.

In Collecting Things to Share (Collection bins are in the Parish Hall Foyer)

Children's books for the Food Pantry

Food items and toiletries for the Food Pantry

School supplies for the YMCA Bright Beginnings

Coins for Outreach Loose change in the offering plate is collected for St. Thomas Outreach ministries. 

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