Welcome to St. Thomas' Episcopal Church
3602 Hawthorne Avenue, Richmond, Virginia 23222
Lenten Supper Series
Tuesday, March 11, 18, and 25 @ 6 pm
Feed your body and your spirit! Come for a church-provided dinner, and stay for Lenten programming for children, tweens, youth, and adults. Folks are invited to bring desserts: sign-up is here. The nursery will be available as well.
Dinner menu:
March 11: Lee's Fried Chicken
March 18: Tacos
March 25: BBQ
After-Supper Programming
Children: Emma McFarlane will offer Lenten curriculum and activities upstairs in the Sunday School room.
Tweens: Kids will explore the meaning of prayer while creating prayer candles, table-top labyrinths, and prayer beads. Facilitated by Elizabeth Cleveland, Spencer Ballou, and Liz Pearce. Upstairs in the Meditation Room.
Youth: Teens will work on their own in the upstairs Youth Room to explore the meaning of prayer and to create prayer candles, table-top labyrinths, and prayer beads.
Adults: Rev. Dale will facilitate a discussion and exploration of the famous “servant songs” from the prophet Isaiah. These short, evocative poems have greatly influenced our understanding of Jesus’ ministry and the why of his suffering. You will no doubt recognize many lines from them. Each night will start with a meditative reading of a different “song,” followed by small group discussions involving artistic images. Our weekly questions: What do tonight’s poem and images reveal about Jesus? How do they challenge us as disciples and as the Church? In the Parish Hall.
Can't make the in-person Lenten programming but still want some community and guided reflection? Or maybe you want in-person and virtual community? Join the virtual Lenten Text Chain: Using Images and Daily Devotions from "PRAYER: 40 Days of Practice". FYI: Due to tech limitations, this group is limited to 20 folks. Vestry member Alyssa Ward is facilitating the group, email her to join!