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St. Thomas' Episcopal Church is an inclusive and diverse Christ-centered faith community in the Episcopal (Anglican) tradition. We come from many different backgrounds and perspectives, sharing a common commitment to growing faith and love of God and neighbor. We are dedicated to knowing about Christ and making him known. 

St. Thomas' is part of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia,  the largest diocese in the country. There are over 189 congregations serving under the leadership of Bishop E. Mark Stevenson. We are a middle-sized Episcopal church.

No matter your age, race, gender identity, or sexual orientation, and no matter where you are on your faith journey, we welcome you and invite you to participate fully in every aspect of our parish life. 

We seek to be a compassionate presence in our neighborhood and at large, deepening our own faith and experience through the welcoming of newcomers and service of the poor, the hungry, the young, and all seeking wholeness of life and spirit. 


Sunday Worship Schedule at St. Thomas'
8:30 am - Holy Eucharist 
10:30 am - Holy Eucharist, in person and online
2nd & 4th Sundays, 5:30 pm - Taize Holy Eucharist

St. Thomas' Food Pantry
Need food? Let us feed you!
Food Distribution Thursdays from 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Click here for more information.

Parish Office
Open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Quick Links & News 


Electrical Upgrade beginning 3/31
The first step in our kitchen renovation process will begin on Monday, March 31 - Tuesday, April 1. Electrical power will be cut off at church for the electrical upgrade, so the parish office will be closed during this time. The office will reopen on Wednesday, April 2. We are off to a great start! P.S. More updates are going up on the bulletin board this week - check it out the next time you stop by!


Walk and Work event for the Women of St. Thomas’! | Saturday, April 5 @ 9 am

Come join Spencer Ballou for a walk through the neighborhood around our Church on April 5th at 9:00 a.m. The walk will start at St. Thomas’ in the parking lot.  After the walk, please help Spencer fill the goodie bags given to children during the Alleluia Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday. It’s very easy and quick work!! BYO Water, but snacks will be provided.  This is a rain or shine event – we can do laps in the Parish Hall if the weather is bad.

Church-Wide Spring Garden Clean Up | Sunday, April 6 after worship

Spring is in the air! Let’s make our church grounds a place of beauty and welcome!  Join us for a Spring Garden Clean-Up immediately following church on April 6.  Wear your overalls to church, bring your gardening gloves, and join us after a hearty coffee hour for some gardening fun.  We’ll be focusing on weeding and mulching.  All are welcome! 

Easter Flower Fund

Please consider donating to our Flower Fund to decorate the church during the Easter season. Celebrate a blessing in your life or commemorate a special relationship. The deadline for placing orders is April 11th. Each donation is $15. Complete the form here and put your check (or cash in a marked envelope) in the offering plate, mail, or deliver it to the church office. Checks should be made out to “St. Thomas’ Altar Guild". Paper order forms may be found in the parish hall. Due to printing deadlines, donations received after the April 11th deadline may not be notated in the bulletin, so please sign up today. Thank you!  

One act play by Larry Meier

For a few years Larry Meier has been writing stories for the Mighty Pen Project for veterans. Some of you are familiar with his true stories, such as “Quang tri Rain” and “The Salute.” Larry has recently written a one act play based on “The Salute” which has been chosen for the “War in Pieces” production at the Virginia War Memorial Theatre, April 4-13, by actors from Fire House Theatre. Four one act plays written by veterans will be presented. The Mighty Pen Project was developed by the Virginia War Memorial Foundation. The project is a 12-week long university-level writing classes offered for free to veterans and their families. We would love you to attend. There is plenty of parking in the Virginia War Memorial underground garage. Tickets are on sale now!

Host a Coffee Hour 
We've got many openings for coffee hour hosts in the coming weeks and months.  Individuals, families, groups of friends, supper club groups, and ministry teams are all welcome to sign up... Let's keep offering the great coffee hours we've had so far this program year!  You can sign up at this link.

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